Be A Role Model Tourist
One of our challenges on the island is to create long term changes in behaviour. For example, although plastic bags have been banned in Bali, it’s not the case here. The convenience and cheap cost of single use plastic means it’s still the preferred option for many businesses. If tourists and visitors keep asking for eco-friendly options this will help to drive change amongst businesses. So by being a role model responsible tourist, you will help us to create the sustainable island we are striving to realise.

Choose Your Cidomo Wisely
The 3 Gilis are proud to boast islands’ free of motorized transport, sticking to traditional movement methods still used regularly in Lombok as well. The Cika Doka Mobil – otherwise known as the Cidomo (pronounced ‘Cee-Doh-Moh) are used as tourist taxis and also to transport goods and materials around the island.
Whilst many organizations are striving to improve the welfare and health standards of our working horses and educating horse drivers, these animals’ welfare remains largely in the hands of YOU, the tourists using them!
To ensure that this tradition is upheld sustainably and ethically (for the horses and local livelihood) we urge you to educate yourselves how to choose a happy healthy horse. With more tourists opting for ethical treatment to working horses, the more the drivers will push for better practices to keep up their trade and livelihood.
Do Not Use Disposable Plastics or Cups
When placing your order for food or drink, specify that you don’t want plastic straws, cutlery or take away cups. The good news is that many businesses are starting to offer eco-friendly options, but we also sell reusable bottle and cutlery sets in our Gili Eco Trust office so it’s the perfect reason to come and say hi.
Refill Your Water Bottle
Did you know that you can get water refills at many businesses on the island? Simply get yourself a refillable bottle (we sell them in our office if you need one), download the app on your phone and look out for the Refill Your Bottle signs around the island. You may be charged a small fee, but it’s less than the retail price of bottles of water and you are helping our island.
If You Find Trash Please Collect It
If you are on a dive and find rubbish, if you are able to remove it safely without harming the environment or yourself, please collect it and dispose of it appropriately when you get back to shore. We sell collection bags in our shop, made from recycled plastic and stores nicely into your BCD pocket.
Alternatively, if you find a lot of rubbish dumped somewhere where it shouldn’t be, you can also report it to us. We track illegally dumped rubbish and will arrange a clean up if necessary.
Let Your Money & Your Review, Do The Talking
This is a sad and disappointing truth, but there are times when we find it impossible to motivate a change in behaviour amongst businesses. What always motivates many of them is a your custom and a positive review.
Therefore, as a visitor you are empowered to hold them to account. If you see a restaurant serving disposable products, plastic straws and so on, tell them you don’t want it. Speak to the manager if you can, as the wait staff are unlikely to pass the message on out of respect for their boss.
If you find a business with great environmental and ethical policies, tell them and celebrate it on social media. Also tell the ones you walk away from so they realise the impact. Slowly but surely – and yes, most likely long after you are back home again – change will happen, but only if visitors keep demanding it.